A Flight of Sparrows

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." ~Albert Einstein

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Introducing Nini's

They are sooooooo squishy. They are made with a super soft baby yarn that is machine washable and dryable. They have minimal stuffing because the yarn itself creates this really squishy fabric. They have safety eyes that wont budge. I know this to be true because I once put one on crooked from the other and I'm not entirely sure the jaws of life could pry it off. I never did get it off, in case you are wondering haha. So below is some more eye candy. The tiny ones we are calling Teeny Ninis. The two on the far left are kitties instead...
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Monday, May 21, 2012

Bunnies on the Brain

I know it's well past Easter... nearly summer in fact! And all I can talk about is bunnies! I don't know what it is, I guess it's one of those little creative traps where you just have to work through it to get past it. On the other hand I guess that there are worse things right? So I've had three purchases of my Plushy Blankee from my shop. A policy I decided to establish was that for each purchase from my shop that a hat would be knit and donated to our local hospital. However for this I want to put just a little hold on this. Let me elaborate... This yarn is one of the plushiest yarns I've worked with the knitted piece...
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Breakfast with Hazel

The past week right at breakfast time we have been seeing a cute twitchy nose rabbit come out and enjoy the clover patch in the backyard. We named him Hazel. Which is a reference to the book/movie Watership Down, a favorite of my childhood and now also one of my daughters. He is awfully brave, only about 10 or 15 feet from the house and nearly right next to the bird feeder. But this morning he was joined by another bunny that looked just the same but a little smaller. This made me laugh - we have a real live Hazel and Fiver! Cute...
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Friday, May 11, 2012

Free Pattern Friday! :: Play Collar ::

Weew its been a hectic week. But now finals are finally over! I'm not sure when I'll be able to see my grades but, I should be able to see them soon. I do already know that my final grade in my morning math was a 97! But enough about that... This week, I thought I'd follow the theme and make a play collar to go along with the Play Leash from last week. My daughter is in love. She puts her favorite stuffed puppy dog on that leash and pulls him along all over the house and yard (I know right... good thing he's washable!). So here is...
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sail Through The Changes

Things are changing and I am very eager to take on this new chapter of life but at the same time the inner me is terrified. I suppose it's natural to feel apprehensive about new and uncharted waters. The problem is because of it I get stuck in this cycle of bursts of energy and ideas. I seize the opportunity and really throw myself into it. Then, just when I think "Yeah, this is a good pace," the wheels start to slow, and just like a train going up hill that loses momentum... I slide back down to the base of the hill with my caboose...
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