I have thought long and hard on the subject and decided that I do want to be a renaissance women, I want to do a little but of it all without having to fit into the norm that everyone wants me too.
While reading lots of posts on Etsy and joining live events in the virtual labs. There is plenty of good advice to go around with 80% of that advice being that you should find one niche and stick with it. I find this hard and limiting. Maybe I want my niche to be that I have a little of everything. This may come back to bite me in the ass but I guess that is just something I will have to deal with when I come to it.
So with that in mind I am going to bring my original Etsy shop -Sweetee- back and mold it together with PK.mmminty. This week and next concludes fall semester after which I will have some free time before Christmas to have some photo shoots (I hope). I know I make a lot of pie crust promises but I hope you will look forward to this as much as I am.
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