"Imagination is more important than knowledge." ~Albert Einstein

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Quick Update!

Hey everyone one! Things are going good so far, trying to spread the word around. Don't forget that every tweet gets you another entry, so far Itsfromarizona has the most. I have a few items that I am finishing up that should be out before the end of the giveaway. If all goes as planned at least.

I am going to amend that you can use whatever message you like for your tweet, i mean word it however you want. Just as long as it has '@peppermintknits' and the bit.ly link so I can keep track.

As always i am here if you have questions, again good luck and thanks for participating!
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Monday, October 19, 2009

Giveaway! (CLOSED)

Yah! It's time for Peppermint Knits first official giveaway! In combination with the giveaway there is a sale. The sale starts today Monday, October 19th and runs for four weeks ending on Monday, November 16th. I've decided to hold this event to celebrate my daughter turning 3 and hopefully kick-off the holidays. You will receive a 10% discount plus $3 off of all purchases. I know what you're thinking, What about the giveaway??

Terms for the giveaway are:

1)First you need to become a follower of the blog. This makes you eligible for the giveaway as well as counts for your first entry. This is also where I will update the progress of the giveaway. Go ahead and leave a comment below what your twitter identity is.

2)From there you can gain additional entries every time you tweet the following message: @PeppermintKnits is holding a Holiday kick-off sale and Giveaway! Check out the blog for details http://bit.ly/2WWCVB
(you may do some slight editing if you need, but you must leave @PeppermintKnits so I can keep track of your giveaway entries) -NO SPAMMING- Update: You can tweet whatever message you like but you Must keep '@PeppermintKnits' and the bit.ly url in it so i can see them to keep track. This will determine your number of entries.

3)For those of you who don't have or use twitter but are on facebook you can still enter too. First become a fan of the fan page for your first entry ( http://bit.ly/3OvYOU ). Then post the previous messege to your news feed for additional entries.

3)Purchases also give you additional entries for each item purchased.

4) At the end three names will be drawn as winners for the giveaway.

Now that you know the terms, I bet your wondering what items are being given away. The three winners will be able to pick an item in my shop! Any one item they like or can make a request based on items already in the shop (example: if you'd like something in a different color). The winners will be ranked based on number of entries. The one who had the most entries will be first to pick and so on.

I hope you all are as excited as i am about this giveaway! Spread the word and good luck! If there are any questions don't hesitate to ask!
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